Salman Khan: Samir
Traditional to the core, he hates the thought of his wife going to work. For he staunchly believes that it's the man's duty to be the primary bread earner of the family. He also feels success and wealth are two main things to lead a beautiful life.
Kareena Kapoor: Raina
Brought up in an orphanage she thirsts for love and finds it in Samir. Her belief in their love never wavers for she knows that's it's not money but love, loyalty and support that makes life beautiful.
Sohail Khan: Akash
Boisterous and flirty, he's the kind who falls in love every minute. Till he meets Raina, and knows this time it's for real and wants it to be forever. And for him, it's friendship, laughter and freedom is what makes life beautiful.
An international airport is an unmatched location for human drama. As planes arrive and take off, so do people carrying their baggage of emotions, tensions and unresolved conflicts.
Our three protagonists - Raina, Samir and Akash - are three such people whose lives entwine at an international airport. Here the three find themselves in transit - at the crossroads of life where each has to make a decision that will change their lives forever... Samir (Salman Khan) has to decide whether he wants to stay in the same city that gave him so much and then took away everything...or fly away to a new city ...a new life ... Raina (Kareena Kapoor) has to decide whether her love and loyalty for her husband, who left her to peruse success is more justified, than her faith and trust in her new found friend... Akash (Sohail Khan) has to decide whether what he feels for a married woman is lust or true love...and whether he's justified in trying to win her at all costs...even at the cost of her marriage...
Three people coming to terms with their conflicting feelings, personal and psychological problems and the overriding emotion - LOVE....set against the hustle and bustle of an international airport...